+++ Open Call closed +++ Submissions are not possible anymore +++


Thank you so much for your participation and all your wonderful contributions. All published photos as well as the current Stadtschreiber*in you can find here.



We Need Art  – Open Call and Fundraising Campaign in Support of Berlin’s Photographers


We need art. Now more than ever. That’s why we are inviting Berlin photographers to participate in the Instagram project Stadtschreiber. For each published contribution, we provide a fee of 150 euros. Deadline for submissions is 30 April 2020.


We want to help: At the moment, countless cultural workers have to fear for their livelihood due to the coronavirus. Exhibitions are closed, commissions are cancelled and fees are gone. Cultural life is facing an unprecedented challenge.


But art and culture belong right in our midst – especially in times of crisis. We don’t just want to accept that Berlin’s cultural life is quietening down. Now, of all times. Of course we are all wondering how we can go on from here. But one thing is certain for us: Despite all sensible restrictions to our everyday life, we need a space for art and culture. To provide an alternative perspective. When, if not now?


With Stadtschreiber, we are now assembling a picture of the city in these extraordinary times on Instagram. A picture taken from many perspectives. This is an experiment, just as it fits at our time. And a sign of solidarity for the artists in our city.


In order to help as many photographers as possible to participate in the project, we also need support. With your donation you can contribute directly to this. Our solidarity is in demand today more than ever. Who can do it, if not all of us together?


How can I support the project?

We are very happy if you would like to support the project and the photographers. You can now transfer a donation directly to our account with the keyword Stadtschreiber or send us a donation via PayPal. A donation is possible from a minimum amount of 5 euros. All donations will be fully passed on to the participating photographers of the Stadtschreiber project. Neue Berliner Räume will provide for all administrative costs from its own resources.


Account details

NBR – Neue Berliner Räume e.V.

DE05 1005 0000 0190 7855 78


Berliner Sparkasse






The donations are tax deductible. Upon request, the association will issue a donation receipt for each donation, which will be sent by email. Please use the contact form to send us your contact details as soon as you have made a donation. You will receive the receipt by February of the following year at the latest.


How can I participate as a photographer?

As of now, photographers and creatives who work with the medium of photography can send in one to three photos until 30 April 2020. The submitted photos should address the current situation in Berlin and must be taken recently. The artistic quality of the photos is crucial for the selection. For each published contribution (consisting of one or more photos) we will pay a fee of 150 euros.


Please send your photos with all necessary details until 30 April 2020 to stadtschreiber@neueberlinerraeume.de. Please note the conditions for participation and the checklist.


We ask for your understanding that we probably cannot consider all submissions for publication and that it will take us a few days to answer your emails.


Criteria for participation

  • Participating photographers must live in Berlin. We reserve the right to request unbureaucratic proof in the event of publication.
  • The call is aimed in particular at those who are financially affected by the current situation. But also if you are not affected, you are warmly invited to make a submission and donate your fee.
  • The photos submitted must be current and should address the current situation in Berlin.
  • We ask you to write a sentence for each submission that will be posted alongside the photo. We reserve the right to edit the sentence.
  • Photographers can submit photos several times until they have been selected for publication.
  • The fee can only be paid in the form of a transfer after invoicing. The fee is 150 euros net.
  • Submitted photos must meet the formal requirements.
  • By submitting the photos, the participants agree that the photos will be published on Instagram, as well as on the Facebook channel, the website and other communication channels of Neue Berliner Räume.
  • All participants undertake to comply with all currently applicable provisions relating to the coronavirus.
  • All participants assure that they themselves are the author of the photos and have all rights to them. They further assure that no rights of third parties have been violated, in particular no personal rights of any persons depicted.



  • one to three photos
  • a sentence about your contribution to be published in the post
  • please tell us the name that you want us to give as credit and your Instagram handle if you wish
  • please tell us, if possible, in which area of town the photos have been taken
  • technical requirements:
    • portrait size: 4: 5 aspect ratio, ideally 1080 x 1350 pixels
    • landscape size: minimum width 1080 pixels
    • square size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • we kindly ask you not to have a white border around the photos
    • file formats: jpg or png
    • maximum size: 5 MB per photo
    • the file name should be your full name, if necessary with additional numbering for several photos



Are there any editorial requirements for the photos?

It is important to us that you deal with the current situation in Berlin: What do you see when you look at Berlin now? What is important to you right now? What has to be recorded? We want to show what the city feels like these days, what is changing, but what may have stayed the same. We look forward to photos that narrate and capture the city’s life – inside and outside – in this way.


Who can submit photos?

We look forward to submissions from Berlin-based photographers and creatives who work with the medium of photography.


Will all submitted photos be published?

Unfortunately, we assume that we will not be able to publish all photos. Depending on the course of the project, we hope to enable as many photographers as possible to participate.


Why should I donate?

At the moment, countless cultural workers have to fear for their livelihood due to the coronavirus. We would like to make a small contribution to support the cultural workers of our city in this difficult situation. We want to make sure that artists can earn money with their work. As a non-commercial non-profit association, our own resources are unfortunately limited. That is why we are thankful for every little bit of support. With your donation you can help us to enable as many photographers as possible to participate. If you have a question about a possible donation, you can contact us at any time.


How much of my donation actually reaches the photographers?

We pass on all donations in full to the participants of the Stadtschreiber project. All administrative costs are covered by the association from its own funds.


Who is actually behind Neue Berliner Räume?

Neue Berliner Räume e.V. is a registered non-profit association. We have been established in 2011 and, since then, we have realised countless projects in many different places in the city. In 2016 we received the Project Space Award by the Senate Department for Culture of the City of Berlin. Especially in these difficult times, it was and is important for us to rethink our task as an association and take it even more seriously: Associations should serve the common good and society. With this project, we try to do justice to this.


Why on Instagram?

The project Stadtschreiber was launched last year. We were interested in how social media can be used to present contemporary art and culture. The result was the curated Instagram channel Stadtschreiber, where selected photographers share their personal view of Berlin over a period of three months each. Especially in the current situation, digital formats are now proving to be extremely helpful in continuing to experience art and culture together.


We are all asked to adhere to many restrictions at present. Aren’t you undermining the regulations with this project?

No. We urge all participants to follow the rules without exception. However, we believe that artistic work, both at home and out in the city, is compatible with the current regulations.



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About Stadtschreiber

Stadtschreiber is a long-term photographic project by Neue Berliner Räume on Instagram. Since 2019, photographers we have invited have shown their personal view of Berlin in three-month cycles. For April 2020, we opened up the project for a month.

About Neue Berliner Räume e.V.

Neue Berliner Räume e.V. (NBR) is a nomadic project space in Berlin that was established in 2011. In 2015, NBR was registered as a non-profit organization. It is currently run on voluntary basis by Sylvia Sadzinski, Valerie Senden, Manuel Wischnewski and Marie Wocher. NBR organises cultural projects in various places across the city, consciously foregoing working from a fixed space. NBR’s interdisciplinary projects have featured in various festivals, including the International Literature Festival, Berlin Art Week, and the Project Space Festival Berlin, and are often developed in close collaboration with partners such as C/O Berlin, Kunsthaus Dahlem or Freie Universität Berlin. In 20165, NBR was given the Project Space Award by the Senate Department for Culture of the City of Berlin. The association is financed solely through contributions by members, donations and public funding for projects. It does not receive any permanent institutional funding. More.


e stadtschreiber@neueberlinerraeume.de
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„Virtuelle Formate sind gut, alternative Einkommensquellen für Kulturschaffende, denen die Jobs weggebrochen sind, noch besser. Zur Unterstützung von Berliner Fotograf:innen hat der Kunstverein Neue Berliner Räume den Open Call We Need Art gestartet.“ – taz